Friday, June 1, 2012

Damn Internets!

So, I thought that I would share some of the things that are causing me to procrastinate today. Here are a few links to awesome things that will totally make you put off those dishes and that car that needs its oil changed!

The Tardis Towel! 
This is pretty fantastic. Thinkgeek now has a Doctor Who Tardis beach towel, and for only 20 bucks! Perfect for losing that wintery computer glow.


Next up, for your viewing pleasure, Geek & Sundry's show Tabletop has a new episode up today, with Wil Wheaton (as always), Felicia Day, Sandeep Parikh and Steve Jackson. They play the awesome tabletop card game Munchkin, and I must say it was one of the funniest episodes so far. You can watch the episode here, and check out the new Guild Munchkin expansion pack here!

If you haven't already heard Neil Gaiman's inspiring address to the graduating class at the University of the Arts, go watch it right now. For anyone with any creativity in their body this will in some way inspire, encourage or compel you to "Make good art." Check it out at

And lastly for the Twitter junkies out there, for Friday's #FF, check out @WilWheatons_Cat, who has the greatest conversations with @WilW and his wife, @AnneWheaton. "I wear a bow tie name tag. Bow ties are cool!"

Okay, I'm off to try and get something done! I banish thee Internets! 

1 comment:

  1. I need that Munchkin expansion pack. Also, that one very handsome cat ;)

    Thanks for this post. Now, I need to go buy a Tardis Towel ;)

