Monday, April 30, 2012


Happy May 1st everybody!
It's 2:04 am and I'm currently on a motivated kick!

Welcome to the Girl Vs Procrastination blog! I'm Chloe (aka Girl) and I'm a procrastinator. It's a problem for many, I know. But unfortunately it has kept me from achieving, well anything, for too long! Thus I christen this blog to aid in the fight against laziness/add/lackofconfidence!

A little bit about me... I am a huge geek. And I know it sounds kinda cliche' or fake to say that nowadays but it's true. I was always into video games and my dad's old Iron Man comics and sci-fi and books and... well all of it. The older I got the nerdier I became. It worked out well though, as I met the best guy ever, and he was plenty happy with my love of The Elder Scrolls and Firefly. (He may have fueled my geekiness, I'll admit.) So, because I love all things in that subculture, I get on my kicks. I will get super into something and then get A.D.D. and lose interest or get into something else. I eventually come back to whatever I was on originally, which at least makes me know that it isn't superficial, just unharnessed energy.

To give you an idea, here is the (partial) list of projects either started or looked into over the last few years.
- A music review site
- Several short stories
- Several comic books/graphic novels
- Painting w/ Acrylics
- Drawing (black and white, mostly with pencil or ink)
- Learning Guitar, Piano and Bass. (I also wanna learn sax, drums, violin, flute etc...)
- Cosplaying/Costume Making
- Various Crafting (from vinyl record bowls to making coasters)
- Candle making
- Graphic Design

It goes on, but I'll spare you. The point is, I have a hard time keeping focused on my projects. The ones I stay on long enough to get rolling show me that I actually have some talent. (I'm decent at drawing and painting, I just never put in enough time.) However, I get overwhelmed or start to lack confidence in what I'm doing. I decided that I'm done with that. This blog is here to help me organize and focus my efforts to complete the projects I start, and to bring to fruition my ideas. Along the way I'll share my progress, vent frustrations and share the methods I'm using to battle the beast.

The fight is on... Girl Vs Procrastination. Who will win?

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