Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Finding Motivation

Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Youtube zone, fuzzy animals, TV, Web series, Wikipedia, Gmail, Craigslist, Foursquare, StumbleUpon, Yahoo... Did I miss any? There are literally millions of ways to get sidetracked when there is a wifi connection nearby. What was to be "a quick status update" turns into a 6 hour kitten-video watching session. (But they're so f'n cute!!!) Thus has led to the fall of many a productive day. How do you stop it?

You can't. Not as long as there are kittens and bunnies in the world. That said, you can use it to your advantage. Instead of getting off track on the web, try using your "wasted hours" in a productive way. Look up articles on methods of organization. Scour Pinterest or WikiHow for DIY projects or inspiration for current works. However, the only way to make these things work are to get off the computer, to get offline.
A great idea - Phones go into the basket when
you have friends over!

A month or two ago my phone started acting up. It took a few days for them to send me a new one, so I went without for the time being. At first, it felt like I was missing a limb, but after awhile it was kind of liberating. I had no idea how often I checked my phone without even realizing it. (Until I caught myself reaching for something that wasn't there.) Being untethered was a great experience. That being said, I was relieved to have my phone back, however I have changed one thing. When I'm out with people, the phone goes off. Not on silent, but totally off. If I know I won't be around anyone during the day, I make a point to avoid my phone for an hour or two. It lets me be in the moment and be inspired by the world around me, not just an instagram photo of the world around an iPhone in Southern Cali.

Try and find something in your own life to be motivated by. Take a walk, cook a meal, try one of those crafts you read about on that cool blog earlier. Even though you may feel enlightened by something online, you won't ever get anything done until you step away from the keyboard and do it. I speak from expierience. There are so many times I got caught up in a cool idea, did all the research yet never took the time to go out there and make it happen. I either got sidetracked by something else or said I'd get to it later. (Cough... Procrastinated..Cough...)

To sum it up - Every action has a reaction. The more you do, the more you'll want to do.

<3 Chloe

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