Wednesday, May 2, 2012

A Moment of Thanks

Before I get really going with this blog, I wanted to write a few words of thanks to those who have encouraged me to get off my butt and do it. 

There are a few people in this world who really have been a positive influence on me. Some are close friends that I have known and loved for many years. Others are people who I have never met, and probably never will. 

Among those who I know, my loving fiance who always believes in me and my goals. The other night I was telling him about an idea for a graphic novel spin-off, and he said it was a great idea and to just start it. "Forget if it works out or not, just go for it! You can at least try!" He always supports whatever I aim to do. If you find a support like that hang onto it!

And for those whom I do not know, there is one person in particular who I've always admired - Felicia Day. (Seriously, if you don't know her just go here now.) Being a geek girl I can always identify and appreciate other women who have paved their way into the primarily men's world of geek subculture. However Felicia Day started off with an idea and made it happen, despite many obstacles along the way. What started off as work on a small web series (The Guild) has exploded the wall open into multiple seasons, comics, TV guest appearances and the new Geek & Sundry. I've made it a point to follow whatever she does, because it always proves to be awesome. I truly find the extent of her dedication to her work incredible. Really, she has made a huge difference in my own confidence to accomplish what I set out to do. She's helped me believe that if I put in the time and effort I can make my ideas become a reality. At that I'll stop because I don't want to seem too stalkeresque, but thanks Felicia for being a huge inspiration to me!

So with that being said onward with the endeavors! Unfinished projects here I come!!!

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