Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Setting Goals

"The only thing standing between you and your goal is the bullshit story you keep telling yourself as to why you can't achieve it." - Jordan Belfort

The above quote sums me up perfectly. It's easy to make excuses. There will always be a reason not to do something, but there are probably a thousand and one reasons more to do it.

Goals are essential to getting things done. I'm a big fan. But what I've come to learn over the years is that simply setting goals is not enough. They take serious forethought and consideration. They need to be far enough that you have to work to reach them, but not so high that it's impossible or discouraging. So, here is a few tips to setting goals!

- Be specific! If you're goals are vague, then you have a harder chance of reaching them. The more detailed or specific you can get, the easier it will be to visualize the outcome. For example, if you are trying to lose weight, set a specific number, not just "I want to get skinnier." Or, if you are working on a novel, art project etc., set out to write a set number of pages everyday, or to draw for a set amount of time. If you set out knowing exactly what you need to do, it will be much easier to accomplish it.

- Set a deadline. When we leave plans open ended we lose focus. However, setting a hard deadline to when we want to finish something, say, painting the kitchen by the end of the weekend puts a nagging reminder in our minds. We are more likely to push to get something done than if it had been open-ended.

- Be Realistic. Setting goals unrealistically high can be discouraging. Each time we fail to complete them becomes a black mark on our record, a failure, a setback. So when it comes to setting goals we need to make sure they are attainable. Something that is within our abilities, but also keeps us reaching. Only you know you're own limits so look at yourself honestly. What have you accomplished in the past and what have you tried to set out to do but not quite made it? Base future plans off of past examples.

- Long term Vs Short term. When you have an aspiration, keep it in mind. Long term objectives are essential for reaching far off plans. But instead of keeping it at a distant far off future, set short term goals that will help you reach them. The more you work towards that ultimate future, the easier it will be to reach.

- Write it down! When we see something in writing, especially if we physically put it there, we are more likely to remember it and act on it. Same with goals. After you decide what your plan is, write it down, including the deadlines. Keep consistent on updating shorterm goals, and make a plan to go back and review your progress every 3-6 months. If you see that you are struggling in a certain area make the necessary adjustments to get back on track. Keep your goals in a place where you will see them each day!

- Reward yourself. Finishing something that you set out to do is worth celebrating. Help keep yourself motivated and focused by setting rewards along the way. Buy yourself some new Chopic markers after you finish that art project. If you are making an effort to read more, set aside money for a Kindle or a nice collectors edition of your favorite book. If you are just trying to be more productive overall, buy yourself a nice organizer or something that will help you along the way. The little things like that will keep you working and moving forward.

No one said it will be easy, but by planning effectively you will be able to reach your goals. You can do whatever you set out to. But you have to believe it! So no more bullshit! Get going! Kick procrastination in the ass!

<3 Chloe

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