Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Updates and Dealing With Insomnia!

Hello all!

So over the last week I have been writing like a fiend, reading a ton of books, online wish-listing and dealing with a ever so fun bout of insomnia.  Maybe I just really wish I was on the West Coast, or even Australia/NZ because for some unknown reason my internal time-clock has decided to give me the middle finger and do whatever the hell it wants. 

It's not like I'm new to insomnia, I've always been a bit of a night owl. (I blame my mom, she worked midnight shift while she was preggers with me and apparently I kept the schedule. Born at Midnight baby!) And at least I get things done at night, like throughout high school (I home schooled from 7th grade on.) I would complete most of my tests from 10pm-3am, sleep in, and do whatever in the afternoons.  The schedule worked well for me, I got everything done early and was efficient with my time. Unfortunately, I am currently on a sleep schedule that rocks from 7am to 2-3pm. Good if you're a Vampire, not good when you need to do normal person things. 

Thus, I at least try to utilize my time while I am awake. I get some household chores done, write a lot. I have been watching Dr. Who (My first time through, I know I know I'm behind on it...) like crazy since I like having something going on in the background while I work. 

I feel that if I can at least be somewhat productive while I'm up then I'm not as horrible a person. This week though, I am aiming to work my clock back. So here's a few tips for those dealing with night-time sleep troubles. 

Have a Nighttime Routine! - I know that when I do the same things before bed - drink a cup of tea, take a nice hot shower or bath, turn off the screens and read - my body starts to get ready for sleepy time. So I try to implement that about an hour before I actually try to go to sleep. 

Work Slowly! - It's ridiculously hard to try and go from falling asleep at 3,4,5 in the morning to falling asleep by 11.  Work you're way back slowly, even if it's just by 30 minutes. The same goes for waking up. Aim to get up just a bit earlier each day, and eventually you're body will start to get the idea, working with you. 

When that fails... - Make yourself tired as crap. Do whatever you have to do to fall asleep at a normal time. Sometimes you just need that kick to put you back into a normal schedule. For me, I always know I am about to go Insomniac for a few days/weeks when I have 2 bad nights in a row. If I can't find a way to sleep normal by that 3rd night I am screwed.  So I will just do everything that day- work out, do some housework I was putting off, call that person who you really need to call put have been putting off cause they are just really mentally exhausting to deal with - by packing my day full I ensure that I will be ready to pass out come time. 

Hopefully that helps you, if not well, lookup some cat videos. At least you can be a happy creature of the night. 


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